Project Description of Work
The full description of the MANMADE Project, including objectives, deliverables, milestones, and tasks can be found here.Deliverables
Specific deliverable documents, as outlined in the Project Description of Work, are presented below as deliverables are completed. Deliverable 1.1
Work Package 1 - D1.1 Consortium Groups and responsibilities, specific of gender action plan
Deliverable 1.2a
Work Package 1 - D1.2a Web site development
Deliverable 1.2b
Work Package 1 - D1.2b The forum
Deliverable 1.3 [restricted]
Work Package 1 - D1.3 Network analysis of interaction between consortium members and
ManMade forum
Deliverable 1.4 [restricted]
Work Package 1 - D1.4 Network analysis of interaction between consortium members and
ManMade forum
Deliverable 1.5 [restricted]
Work Package 1 - D1.5 Network analysis of interaction between consortium members and
ManMade forum
Deliverable 1.6
Work Package 1 - D1.6 Workshop targeting careers in science for women,
incorporating key themes of MANMADE Project (to be organized with local
school authorities in East London neighbouring QMUL)
Deliverable 2.1 [restricted]
Work Package 2 - D2.1 Data sets of major gas lines
between and into Western Europe
Deliverable 2.2 [restricted]
Work Package 2 - D2.2 Data sets of spot price electricity traded in selected European electricity markets
Revision [0]
Deliverable 2.3 [restricted]
Work Package 2 - D2.3 Sets of spatial and topological maps of
selected urban-transport networks
Deliverable 2.4 [restricted]
Work Package 2 - D2.4 Data sets containing the European energy interconnected network
Deliverable 3.1
Work Package 3 - D3. Report of the use of the Hurst coefficient and correlation with power law decay for the project data
Deliverable 3.2
Work Package 3 - D3.2 Report on the applicability of growth mechanisms of evolving networks and growth
strategies to guarantee desire
Deliverable 3.3
Work Package 3 - D3.3 Report on concepts to quantify vulnerability, error propagation, and attack strategies for heterogenneous interconnected networks
Deliverable 3.4
Work Package 3 - D3.4 Emergence simulator in generic graphs to mimic long-range coupling in networks
Deliverable 4.1a
Work Package 4 - D4.1a Wind field construction assessment report and maps of potential wind energy production over Europe.
Part 1: Windmills power plants lat/long dataset (Revision 1)
Deliverable 4.1b
Work Package 4 - D4.1b Wind field construction assessment report Part 2: Maps of potential wind energy production over Europe
Revision 1
Deliverable 4.2
Work Package 4 - D4.2. Workshop: “Natural and man-made vulnerabilities of EU grid”
Deliverable 4.3a
Work Package 4 - D4.3a Topological analysis of selected EU synchronous grid systems and report on risk and fragmentation analysis of EU grid networks
Deliverable 4.3b
Work Package 4 - D4.3b Topological analysis of selected EU synchronous grid systems
Deliverable 5.1
Work Package 5 - D5.1 Logical framework of the impact of the electric power supply on a logistic-production system
Deliverable 5.2
Work Package 5 - D5.2 Modelling electricity prices: from the State of the Art to a draft of a new proposal
Deliverable 5.3
Work Package 5 - D5.3 The study of energy spot prices and their correlation with faults in the Nordic region applying Recurrence
Quantification and Cross Recurrence Analysis.
Deliverable 5.4
Work Package 5 - D5.4 Methodology for studying market dynamics and power systems chains
Deliverable 5.5
Work Package 5 - D5.5 Analysis of the divergence operator for the assessment of the stability of a microgrid weakly connected to the power system or islanded
Deliverable 6.1
Work Package 6 - D6.1 A method to calculate interoperability matrices
Deliverable 6.2
Work Package 6 - D6.2 The Deregulated European Energy Market
Deliverable 6.3
Work Package 6 - D6.3 A report on a GIS-based method to assess fragility curves for interconnected systems
Deliverable 6.4
Work Package 6 - D6.4 A report on simulation of the dynamics (resilience and fragmentation) resulting from graph erosion of a realistic interconnected system