Institutional Partners
The MANMADE Consortium is a compact group of five research centres, comprising of universities in each of Hungary, Italy, Macedonia and the United Kingdom and the EU Joint Research Centre at Ispra, Italy.
QMUL - School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London
The Queen Mary, University of London, School of Mathematical Sciences has some 50 permanent academic staff with a very strong research group in Dynamical Systems consisting of 8 staff. There is a strong research culture of weekly seminars, and workshop activity, in all the major areas of interest within the School. There is also an interdisciplinary Networks Group in the Department of Electronics with which we have strong links and which has collaborated on three major joint EPSRC research assistant grants since 1996.
JRC-IPSC Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy is a European scientific and technical research Centre established by the European Commission, which comprises several sites and Institutes. Within the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen a number of Units are currently dealing with vulnerability of transport and energy networks. The scientific approaches range from statistical to structural analysis with a strong emphasis on the operational knowledge of such systems.
The European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) is an analysis and experimental facility of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Its mission is to provide research and contribute to European Standards for risk mitigation in construction, transport, and industrial installations. An emerging area of research activity in the Unit has been the development of numerical methods to study the behaviour of non-linear systems within an interdisciplinary context especially in the field of seismic vulnerability of transport infrastructures.
Within the context of FP5 and FP6, ELSA has been participating in more than 20 research projects together with other European research teams and industries. Their aims are to contribute to the set-up and validation of design codes and norms for the open common market, to promote high-level scientific and technical developments and to increase the competitiveness of the European industry through the assessment of new innovative techniques for construction and transport.
The role of the JRC, in addition to networks data collation and analysis in the various research work packages, is to develop the interface between researchers and network users.
Collegium Budapest – Institute for Advanced Study was founded in 1992 as an international research institute by a consortium of six European states and some private foundations. It is a multidisciplinary institute with a program comprising the humanities and the social sciences, as well as the theoretical natural sciences. With a small number of permanent fellows and some 35 outstanding scholars visiting each year, CB has established itself as a Centre of Excellence, and has been recognized as such by the European Commission in 2000. Recently it has become involved in two large scale FP6 Integrated Projects: EVERGROW (structure, stability and future of the internet) and ECAGENTS (possible evolution of communication between artificial agents – robots), and has built up a powerful information technology infrastructure. Last year CB won a major grant from the Hungarian National Office of Research and Technology and established a Centre of Complex Systems within the institute, with the mission of carrying out research in network data analysis including structural, stability and traffic studies in the global financial network, risk and risk governance, the power grid, and emergence, reliability and vulnerability of biological organizations. In order to carry out these programs, CB has developed close links with a number of Hungarian and foreign university groups, and has a team of about 30 additional researchers working on the projects.
The Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts is the highest scientific, scholarly and artistic institution in the Republic of Macedonia. As an independent scientific and artistic institution the Academy achieves its objectives by basic, developmental and applied research, comprehensive and inter-disciplinary research projects, by organising scientific and scholarly conferences and symposia, publishing the results of the same and of other scientific research and organising events in the field of the arts. The Academy collaborates with the universities, other scientific, scholarly and cultural institutions, scientific and artistic societies and other comparable organisations in the Republic of Macedonia. It also co-operates with other academies of sciences and arts, and with scientific, scholarly and artistic institutions abroad. The Department of mathematical and technical sciences at MASA has 15 members.
LIUC Università Carlo Cattaneo is one of the youngest Universities in Italy. Set up by the Industrial Association of the Province of Varese, it was officially founded by decree of the Ministry of Universities and Technological and Scientific Research on 31st October 1991.LIUC has three faculties, Law, Economics and Engineering; since 1991 it has run a degree course in Business Administration, and since 1994 a diploma course (the so-called short degree) in Logistics and Production Engineering. The teaching program is interdisciplinary with courses linking economic and technological areas of study to give a global vision of the company, its functions and problems. This means that in the degree course in Business Administration, attention is paid to the economic, organizational and strategic significance of technological change and the university diploma course in Engineering looks at management methods and business administration. This represents an innovative approach within the Italian academic tradition.