Published papers
- Petreska, I. (MASA), Tomovski, I. (MASA), Gutiérrez, E. (JRC), Kocerev, L. (MASA), Bono, F. (JRC), and Poljansek, K. (JRC):
Application of modal analysis in assessing attack vulnerability of complex networks
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 15, pages: 1008–1018, 2010
- Zlatanov, N. (MASA), Kocarev, L. (MASA):
Random walks on networks: Cumulative distribution of cover time
(Phys. Rev. E 80, 041102 2009 (Pub Oct 2009))
- Carvalho, R. (QMUL), Buzna, L. (ETH Zurich, University of Zilina), Bono, F. (JRC), Gutiérrez, E. (JRC), Just, W. (QMUL), Arrowsmith, D. (QMUL):
Robustness of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Backbone and Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2009 Jul;80(1 Pt 2):016106. Epub 2009 Jul 10
- Erzgräber, H. (QMUL), Just, W. (QMUL):
Global view on a nonlinear oscillator subject to time-delayed feedback control
(Physica D 238 (2009) 1680-1687] )
- Kiss, P.(COLB), László V. (COLB), Jánosi, I. (COLB):
Contrasting Electricity Demand with Wind Power Supply: Case Study in Hungary
(Energies 2009, 2, 839-850; doi:10.3390/en20400839)
- Kiss, P.(COLB), Varga, L. , Jánosi, I. (COLB):
Comparison of wind power estimates from the ECMWF reanalyses with direct turbine measurements
(Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 1, 033105 2009)
- Kiss, P.(COLB), Jánosi, I. (COLB):
Limitations of wind power availability over Europe: a conceptual study
(Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 15, 803–813, 2008)
- Kiss, P.(COLB), Jánosi, I. (COLB):
Comprehensive empirical analysis of ERA-40 surface wind speed distribution over Europe
(Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, Vol 49/8, pp 2142-2151 (2008) DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2008.02.003 )
- Strozzi, F.(LIUC), Noè, C. (LIUC), Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC):
Control and optimization of one-level supply chain, The Open Operational Research Journal, 2008, 2, 51-59
- Strozzi, F.(LIUC), Noè, C. (LIUC), Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC):
Stability control in a supply chain: total costs and bullwhip effect reduction
(International Journal of Production Economics [in revision])
- Caloiero, G. (LIUC), Strozzi, F.(LIUC), Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC):
A supply chain as a series of filter or amplificators of the bullwhip effect.
(International Journal of Production Economics, 2007, [Accepted] )
- Strozzi, F. (LIUC), Gutiérrez, E. (JRC), Noè, C. (LIUC), Rossi, T. (LIUC), Serati, M. (LIUC), Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC):: Measuring volatility in the Nordic spot electricity market using Recurrence Quantification Analysis , Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 164, 105-115, 2008 .
- Erzgräber, H. (QMUL), Strozzi, F. (LIUC), Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC), Touchette, H. (QMUL), Gutiérrez, E. (JRC), Arrowsmith, D.K. (QMUL):
Time series analysis and long range correlations of Nordic spot electricity market data
[Physica A 387 (2008) 6567-6574] - Woolf, M. (QMUL), Huang, Z. (QMUL), and Mondragon, R.J. (QMUL):
Building catastrophes: networks designed to fail by avalanche-like breakdown
[New Journal of Physics, 9 (2007) 174 (http://www.njp.org/ , doi:10.1088/1367-2630/9/6/174)] - Mondragon, R.J. (QMUL):
Topological modelling of large networks
[Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A (2008) 366, 1931–1940, doi:10.1098/rsta.2008.0008. Published online 6 March 2008]
Papers submitted/in preparation
- Strozzi, F.(LIUC), Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC), Poljansek, K. (JRC), Bono, F. (JRC), Gutiérrez, E. (JRC):
Chaotic complex networks from Recurrence Plots
to be submitted to Int. J. of Bif. And Chaos - Mishkovski, I. , Kocarev, L. (MASA), and Biey, M.:
Vulnerability of Complex Networks
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, submitted for publication. - Smilkov, D. and Kocarev, L. (MASA):
Rich-club and page-club coefficients for directed graphs
Physica A, submitted for publication.
- Trpevski, D., Tang, W. and Kocarev, L. (MASA):
A Model for Information Spreading over Networks
Physical Review E, submitted for publication. - Zlatanov, N. and Kocarev, L. (MASA):
Modeling Malware Propagation in Networks
Computer Networks, submitted for publication. - Kocarev, L. (MASA), Zlatanov, N., and Trajanov, D.:
Vulnerability of networks of interacting Markov chains
Computer Networks, submitted for publication. - Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC), Strozzi, F.(LIUC), Poljansek, K. (JRC), Bono, F. (JRC), Gutiérrez, E. (JRC), Weber, C. L.:
From complex networks to time series using recurrence plots: Application to metabolic networks
to be submitted to Int. J. of Bif. And Chaos
- Bono, F. (JRC),Gutiérrez, E. (JRC), and Poljansek, K. (JRC):
Traffic: A case study of flows and paths in weighted directed networks
to be submitted to Physica A
- Szenes, M. (COLB), Farkas, Z. (COLB), Gabor Papp, G. (COLB):
Modelling the dynamics and fragmentation of electric power systems
preprint COLB, 2010
- Mishkovski, I., Filiposka, S., Gramatikov, S., Trajanov, D. and Kocarev, L. (MASA):
Game Theoretic Approach for Discovering Vulnerable Links in Complex Networks
preprint MASA
- Gramatikov, S., Trajanov, D. and Kocarev, L. (MASA), Grnarov, A.:
Topology Impact on Influence Spreading
preprint MASA
- Strozzi, F. (LIUC), Gutiérrez, E. (JRC), Noè, C. (LIUC), Rossi, T. (LIUC), Serati, M. (LIUC), Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC):
Application Of Non-Linear Time Series Analysis Techniques To The Nordic Spot Electricity Market Data
(LIUC Paper, October 2007)
The following conferences included topics directly involving the MANMADE Project.
Projected talks
26-29 September 2010: 14th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, Bergamo, Italy
- Divergence Operator applied to the tuning of an electricity network
D.Falabretti, M.Merlo,F. Delfanti J.M. Zaldivar, F.Strozzi
30 May-2 June 2010: ISCAS 2010, Paris
- Building synchronizable and robust networks
I. Mishkovski, M. Righero, M. Biey and L. Kocarev
November Workshop in Budapest
- Hungarian Energy Office is holding a workshop with MANMADE(Hungary)
Delivered talks
6 November, 2009 Women in Science - a meeting for London school children
- Guest speaker: Dr Delilah Al Khudhairy, Head of the Institute for Protection and Security of the Citizen at the EU’s Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy.
28-29 September 2009: ICT Innovations 2009, Ohrid Macedonia
- Vulnerability Assessment of Complex Networks based on Optimal Flow Measurements under Intentional Node and Edge Attacks
I. Mishkovski, R.Kojchev, D.Trajanov, L.Kocarev (MASA) -
Impact of Community Structures on Ad Hoc Networks Performances
S. Filiposka, D. Trajanov (MASA) -
Non-Poisson Processes of Email Virus Propagation
M. Mircev, L. Kocarev (MASA)
26-29 September 2009: ETAI 2009 Conference, Ohird, Macedonia
- Heterogeneous Epidemiologic Influence Spreading Models In Complex Networks
S. Gramatikov (MASA), D. Trajanov (MASA), L. Kocarev (MASA) - Network Utility Maximization In Ad Hoc Networks With Different Communication Patterns
M. Mirchev (MASA), S. Filiposka (MASA), N. Trajkovski (MASA), D. Trajanov (MASA)
24-25 September 2009: Workshop on Deregulated European Energy Market [a MANMADE deliverable], Collegium Budapest, Hungary
- Data Mining Techniques in Electricty Pricing
László Varga (E.ON Hungária Group)
- The behaviour of day-ahead electricity prices
Zita Marossy (COLB)
- Estimating wind power potential and its variabilities over Europe
Péter Kiss (COLB)
- On the implementation of Geographic Information Systems and vulnerability assessment of networks to natural hazards
Flavio Bono (JRC)
- How to upgrade the European power grid to enable high penetration of wind power
Zénó Farkas (COLB)
21-25 September 2009: European Conference on Complex Systems 2009, University of Warwick
- Robustness of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Backbone
R. Carvalho (QMUL)
9-11 September 2009: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference: “Volatile and Fragile Supply Chains”, Cardiff
- Markov Chains Models for supply chain risk: insights from a systematic literature review using Main Path Analysis
C. Colicchia (LIUC), A. Creazza (LIUC), F. Strozzi (LIUC)
26-28 August 2009: Third International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Montreal
- From complex networks to time series and viceversa
Strozzi, F.(LIUC), Zaldívar, J.M. (JRC), Poljansek, K. (JRC), Bono, F. (JRC), Gutiérrez, E. (JRC)
20-22 July 2009: IWCSN Workshop, University of Bristol
- MANMADE CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES (to be appended after event)
D.K. Arrowsmith (QMUL)
10th July 2009: Industrial Complexity Forum, University of Bath
5-9 July 2009: EURO09 Conference Bonn
- A stochastic model for evaluating the vulnerability of a supply network
C. Colicchia (LIUC), F. Strozzi (LIUC), C. Noè (LIUC), L. Kocarev (MASA)
5-8 July 2009: EURO XXIII (Stream: Methodology of Societal Complexity), Bonn
- Manmade project: diagnosing vulnerability , emergent phenomena and volatility in manmade
F. Strozzi (LIUC), E. Gutiérrez, (JRC), D.K. Arrowsmith (QMUL)
29 June-3 July 2009: NETSCI 09 International Workshop and Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Istituto Veneto Scienze Lettere Ed Arti
24 June 2009: Natural and man-made vulnerabilities of EU Grid, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA), Skopje Macedonia
- Program and abstracts
- Overview on the MANMADE Project
D.K. Arrowsmith(QMUL) - Robustness of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Hot Backbone
R. Carvahlo(QMUL) - Probabilistic approach for vulnerability assessment of interdependent critical infrastructure systems: the case of EU gas and electricity networks
K. Poljansek(ELSA-JRC) - The role of GIS in modern network analysis
F. Bono (ELSA-JRC) - Impact of the spatial fluctuations of wind power on the stability of UCTE network
Z. Farkas (COLB) - From complex networks to time series and viceversa
F. Strozzi (LIUC) - Optimization of the electric power system of Macedonia
Aleksandra Kanevce, FEIT, UKIM, Macedonia - Structural and topological analysis of the European Power Grid
I. Miskovski, FEIT, UKIM, Macedonia - Influence spreading in complex networks
S. Gramatikov, FEIT, UKIM, Macedonia - Modal analysis and vulnerability of complex networks: the case of the segments of the EU Power Grid
I. Tomovski, (MASA)
June 8-12, 2009: International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
- Poster presentation
- Robustness of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Hot Backbone, R. Carvalho (QMUL).
27 April 2009: PANDA: Patterns in Compexity Workshop, University of Leeds
7 March 2009: BAMC: British Applied Mathematical Colloquium, University of Nottingham
Critical infrastructure in European power networks
D. Arrowsmith (QMUL)
[Presented at the March 7th mini-symposium on "Cells and Networks"]
12-13 January 2009: 5th MANMADE Management Committee Meeting (JRC, Ispra, Italy)
- Agenda and minutes
Protection of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Hot Backbones
R. Carvalho (QMUL) -
Dynamics of supply-chain and market volatility of networks
F. Strozzi (LIUC) -
Simulation meta-models
A. Cressa (LIUC) -
SVARs and DFMs for modeling electricity prices
M. Manera (LIUC)
5-13 December 2008 CISSE2008 (Int. Joint Conf. on Computer, Information, and System Sciences, and Engineering, University of Bridgeport, USA)
- Game Theoretic Approach for Discovering Vulnerable Links in Complex Networks
I. Mishkovski, S. Filiposka, S. Gramatikov, D. Trajanov and L. Kocarev. - Topology Impact on Influence Spreading
S. Gramatikov, D. Trajanov, L. Kocarev, A. Grnarov.
24-27 November, 2008 TELFOR2008(IEEE, Serbia)
- “Influence Spreading in Complex Networks”, S. Gramatikov, D. Trajanov, L. Kocarev, A. Grnarov
7-10 September 2008 NOLTA2008 (pp. 253-256)
- “A Modal Analysis Based Approach in Studying Robustness and Vulnerability of Complex Networks”,Petreska, I.Tomovski, E.Gutierrez, Lj.Kocarev, F.Bono, K.Poljansek.
30 June -4 July 2008: Risk Measurement and Control
MANMADE,Diagnosing vulnerability, emergent phenomena, and Volatility in Manmade Networks
David Arrowsmith Control and Management of Risk, La Sapienza, Rome, July 2008 . -
Spectral and topological analysis of weighted networks
F. Bono, E. Gutierrez, K. Poljansek (presented by David Arrowsmith) Control and Management of Risk, La Sapienza, Rome, July 2008 .
19 June 2008: Bridging the Gaps Symposium, QMUL
- Modelling of Critical Infrastructures,
D. Arrowsmith (QMUL)
9-10 June 2008: 4th MANMADE Management Committee Meeting (NESA - Helsinki)
- Agenda and minutes
Dynamics of supply-chain and market volatility of networks
F. Strozzi (LIUC) -
Simulation of the impact of the electric power supply on a logistic-production system
C. Noè, T. Rossi (LIUC) -
Supply chain risk management
C. Colicchia (LIUC) -
Vulnerability of interconnected networks -- A method to calculate interoperability matrices
L. Kocarev (MASA)
6 October 2007: European Conference on Complex Systems, Dresden
- MANMADE D.K. Arrowsmith, D.K. Arrowsmith*, F.Bono**, E. Gutierrez, NEST Pathfinder CRP Forum, European Conference on Complex Systems 2007 (ECCS '07), Dresden.
June 2008: International Conference on applied simulation and modelling, Corfù
- Analysis of complex systems by means of mathematical and simulation methods,
C. Colicchia (LIUC), H. Sivonen (NESA), C. Noè (LIUC), F. Strozzi (LIUC)
28-29 March 2008: Kárpát-medencei Környezettudományi konferencia (Ecology conference of Carpatian basin), Debrecen, Hungary
- "Az európai szélpotenciál korlátai (The limits of European wind potential)"
by P. Kiss (COLB), I.M. Jánosi(COLB), conference proceedings, vol 2, 80-85 (2008)
21-22 January 2008: 3rd MANMADE Management Committee Meeting (COLB - Collegium Budapest)
Touchette, H. (QMUL): "WP 3.1 Scaling and Correlation in the Nordic Spot Electricity Market Data"
Bono, F. (JRC): "WP2: Data Collation"
Bono, F. (JRC): "Synthesis of D1.3: Network analysis of interaction between consortium members and MANMADE forum"
Strozzi, F. (LIUC): "WP5 Dynamics of supply-chain and market volatility of networks"
Noè, C. (LIUC): "WP5 D5.1: Logical framework of the impact of the electric power supply on a logistic-production system"
Manera, M. (LIUC): "WP5 D5.2: Modeling Electricity Prices: from the State of the Art to a Draft of a New Proposal"
Kocarev, L. (MASA): "WP6 Vulnerability of Interconnected Networks Review and Planned activities"
Kiss, P., Janosi, I. (COLB): "WP4: Assessment Report on the Wind Energy Potential over Europe. Part II. Wind Power Networks"
Marossy, Z., Szenes, M. (COLB): "Analysis of day-ahead electricity data"
6 October 2007: European Conference on Complex Systems, Dresden
- MANMADE D.K. Arrowsmith, D.K. Arrowsmith*, F.Bono**, E. Gutierrez, NEST Pathfinder CRP Forum, European Conference on Complex Systems 2007 (ECCS '07), Dresden.
12 September 2007: 2nd International Workshop on Recurrence Plots
Strozzi, F. (LIUC), Zaldívar Comentes, J.M. (JRC), Zbilut, J. P. (Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology, Rush Medical College, Chicago, USA):
20 July 2007: International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Guilin
- Optimal Networks, Congestion and Braess' Paradox D.K. Arrowsmith and R.J. Mondragon, IWCSN - 2007 Guilin, CHINA.
28,29-June 2007: 2nd MANMADE Management Committee Meeting (LIUC - Università Carlo Cattaneo)
Bono, F. (JRC): "WP2 Network Collation: GIS Data, Forum Activities, Networking"
Janosi, I. (COLB): "Assessment Report on Wind Energy Potential over Europe—Part 1: Wind Speed Distribution"
Just, W. (QMUL): "Time series analysis of the Norwegian electricity spot prices"
Kocarev, L. (MASA): "WP6 Vulnerability of Interconnected Networks"
Sivonen, H. (NESA - National Emergency Supply Agency, Finland): "Risk assessment based on interdependencies "
Strozzi, F. (LIUC): "Analysis of NORDPOOL spot price data"
7-May 2007: Complex Systems - from theory to application (MASA-Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Arrowsmith, D, (QMUL): "Transport on congested networks"
Gutierrez Tenreiro, E, (JRC): "Modal analysis of weighted graphs"
Janosi, I. (Lorand Eotvos University Budapest, Hungary): "Comprehensive analysis of the wind speed probability distribution over Europe"
Kondor, I. (COLB): "Critical phenomena in portfolio selection"
Vattay, G. (COLB): "Complex Traffic in Internet: Theory and Experiments"
25-29 September 2006: European Conference on Complex Systems
- D.K. Arrowsmith (QMUL),
NEST Pathfinder ECCS06 Satellite Workshops, European Conference on Complex Systems 2006 (ECCS '06), Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.